Rain Harvesting

Rainwater harvesting is the way of the future!

Rain harvesting can solve the drainage problems on your property while providing you with free water. It can be used as a main source of water or as a back up source to wells and municipal water. It promotes self-sufficiency and helps conserve water.
Rain Harvesting
Saving the planet one step at a time
We believe that rainwater harvesting is a viable technology in an urban setting. All that is necessary to take advantage of this resource is to capture the free water falling on your roof and direct it to a rainwater storage tank. By doing this, you can take control of your water supply and replace all or at least a substantial portion of your water needs. Rainwater harvesting systems can be configured to supply your whole house and/or your landscape needs.

What's so important?


Rainwater has massive benefits when collected properly.

  • Better for appliances- soft water doesn't have the harsh minerals that deteriorate appliances.
  • Balanced PH
  •  Reduces Flooding/Erosion
  • Good for Irrigation


Why WaterWise?

Family Owned

This allows individuals and organizations to support their efforts to combat carbon climate change.

Excellent Communication

Energy consulting involves providing expert advice and guidance on energy-related matters.

Local Company

We count on the same rain that you do!

ask something

WaterWise Water Systems

Whether you're looking to capture rainwater for your garden or process rainwater to make it drinkable for your family, we've got you covered!



Clients talk

Great Systems and Happy Customers!

Ecology is an incredibly important field of study that helps understand our impact on nature.

Albert Flores


activities, such as pollution, the go is deforestation, and climate change it, have led to a decline.

Kristin Watson


Ecological principles can be applied to various fields, such as agriculture, forestry, and urban planning.

Floyd Miles
